Thank you for supporting AFSC! Facebook fundraising is an easy way for your friends and family to donate directly to AFSC. All you need to do it click on this link and follow the step by step guide.
Here are a few tips to make your fundraiser a success:
1. Choose an amount to fundraise. You know your friends and family better than we do, so be thoughtful and create a goal that is both meaningful to you and one you feel like you can achieve. We are grateful for all donations big and small.
2. Timing. Make your birthday even more meaningful. A Facebook fundraiser is one way to dedicate your birthday and raise money for AFSC. But really, anytime is a good time to support peace and justice.
3. Inform and inspire. Your friends and family may not know about AFSC. Educate your friends on why supporting AFSC is important to you. If you have one, share a personal story of how AFSC inspires you.
4. Be grateful! Thank your friends and family when they donate and encourage them to share your fundraiser with others.
Other things you may want to know:
Facebook has become a popular way for AFSC supporters to engage their personal networks in our work. In keeping with Facebook’s privacy rules, please note that they do not share donor names, contact information, or amounts with us. Thanks for your support!
Will donors to my Facebook Fundraiser receive a thank you from AFSC?
We are happy to send a thank you note, but we need you to share names, amounts, and contact information for AFSC to do this. Please email a screenshot from your fundraiser that shows who gave and how much, as well as contact information for those donors to Leah Gelb ( in Donor Services.
Am I able to designate gifts from my fundraiser to a specific AFSC program?
We are happy to direct gifts to one of our programs, but we will need to know donor names and amounts for those gifts. Please email, a screenshot of your fundraiser that shows who gave and how much. Be sure to include which program your funds should support.
Other Questions?
Call Donor Services at 215-241-7000