Governance Recruitment

Governance nominations

To nominate yourself for service, please click here and fill in the form.

To recommend someone else for service, please click here and fill in the form.

Please email with any questions or problems.

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) seeks nominations for its Board of Directors, Corporation, Regional Executive Committees, and Advisory Committees and Task Groups.

  • Board Committees season matters needing board attention and action and gives the Board the advantage of advice and recommendations that have received deep reflection and analysis.
  • The Corporation is AFSC's grounding in Quaker spirituality and action, and provide input into AFSC overall direction and appoint the Board of Directors.
  • Regional Executive Committees maintain regional connections to programs and approve budgets and program plans each year.
  • Advisory Committees and Task Groups make recommendations to the Board or Corporation regarding specific actions and monitor other governance functions. 
  • More information about all committees can be found here

AFSC’s Standing Nominating Committee (SNC) is charged with recommending dozens of persons for service each year, drawing on the recommendations and names suggested by each of you and those in your Quaker, AFSC, and peace and justice communities. 

Three committee members in discussion after a meeting. Photo by James Wasserman.

Above: Three committee members in discussion after a meeting. Photo by James Wasserman.

Qualifications for service


  • Membership in the Religious Society of Friends OR understanding and commitment to Friends values and testimonies.
  • Ability to attend AFSC committee meetings regularly (AFSC will cover the costs up front or offer reimbursement.)
  • Knowledge, understanding or experience with AFSC programs and philosophy.
  • Understanding and commitment to a Spirit led method of conducting business.
  • Commitment to support and participate in AFSC fundraising.

The Standing Nominating Committee also considers these factors when nominating persons:

  • AFSC’s Inclusion and Diversity goals for women, people of color, and those identifying as LGBTQ or differently-abled
  • Geographic residence
  • Yearly Meeting representation
  • Age representation
Persons 35 years and younger, those who self-identify as persons of color, LGBTQ, or as differently-abled are especially encouraged to apply.

Midwest Executive Committee with Chicago staff members at a meeting. Photo by Jon Krieg.

Above: The Midwest Executive Committee and staff pose after a meeting. Photo by Jon Krieg.


How to submit a nomination or recommendation

To nominate yourself for service, please click here and fill in the form.

To recommend someone else for service, please click here and fill in the form.

The Standing Nominating Committee will accept nominations year round. We look forward to hearing from you as we search for the most qualified candidates called to serve the American Friends Service Committee.

For questions, please contact the Executive Board Secretary at 215-241-7031 or