This February, fall in love with the work of AFSC Chicago

By Alicia Brown, AFSC Chicago Peacebuilding Fellow

Love is in the AIR! Here at AFSC Chicago Peacebuilding, we’ve had a great kick to the new year, continuing with more exciting projects we have planned for 2022. Sending thoughts out to everyone out there, keep striving! We hope these exciting updates will enlighten everyone, everywhere.

My fellowship, the Michael McConnell Peace with Justice Youth Fellowship has been thriving! I have had my first touches in most of the projects and events we are a part of. From launching Chicago’s AFSC instagram, to participating on Sullivan High School’s first ever monument proposals mock community board. I am now building out my own projects which I will facilitate this year - we will be excited to announce this in the next couple months. Stay tuned!

This month, we are excited to share more ways you can actively get involved with us! We’re back on with the #FreeBernina event this evening, continuing the #FreeThemALL movement. Sign up for a national 8 week training about wellness and alternatives to police responses, that our colleague Mary Zerkel is helping coordinate. We got tunes coming your way, if you attend El Pueblo Canta’s annual concert for Immigrant Justice next month, which we're happy to sponsor again this year! And there’s more - read on.

Don't forget our NEW Instagram, twitter, and facebook! Tell your people to tell their people! Follow us! Please donate if you feel inspired, and many thanks to our monthly donors for keeping our work going.

-Alicia B,
AFSC Chicago Peacebuilding Fellow


As you know, we've been part of the team to #FreeBernina, a queer criminalized survivor who's currently seeking clemency from Governor Pritzker.

Tonight, Wednesday 2/16 at 5:30 PM, we're hosting a brief virtual event to hear updates from the campaign to #FreeBernina, and write some cards and letters together to support her case. We hope to see you there!

And if you haven't read it yet, be sure to check out and share this great piece by Injustice Watch about Bernina's story.

IMG description: Illustration of Bernina by artist Shirien Damra over a blue background, with neon text that says "Love & Letters; Campaign Updates & Letter Writing to Free Bernina Mata / Wednesday 2/16 @ 5:30 PM /


Community Safety Beyond Policing

For the past year and a half, AFSC has been organizing a webinar series to explore how communities across the U.S. are working toward a future where we rely less on police—and ensure community safety for all. All of the recordings of Webinars that feature organizers from across the country can be found on our website. We want to highlight the most recent event, and an upcoming study to action group!

Global Policing (February 10, 2022)
Drawing on AFSC's international programs and partners, we talk about the impact of policing on local communities in several places outside the United States. Recording available in English and Spanish.


Building Community Alternatives to Police Response (Study Group)
In this 8-week virtual participatory workshop, we will develop an understanding of current community-based responses to emergencies in communities across the country; do an assessment of the assets and needs for emergency response in our own community; receive concrete training in de-escalation and mental health crisis response; and develop a plan to take concrete action toward building community alternatives to police response.


Youth Organizing Updates

FOIA Updates
We support several BIPOC youth-led organizing campaigns to end policing, incarceration and militarism. One of the tools we often teach and encourage emerging organizers to experiment with is using the Freedom of Information Act to strengthen their research and campaigns. Almost all of our campaigns are currently awaiting responses to outstanding FOIA requests - stay tuned to hear more about what we uncover.

We've got a video on How to FOIA for youth activists that we encourage you to watch or share if you've ever wondered what FOIA is.

And next weekend, join the Headline Club in Chicago for the return of FOIA Fest! On Saturday February 26th, our Program Coordinator, Debbie Southorn will be featured on a panel about 'FOIA for Organizers,' de-mystifying the basics of FOIA and showing how the general public and organizers can use the law to acquire information to improve their everyday lives and fight for justice.


The #BoeingArmsGenocide Campaign


The Final Five Campaign



El Pueblo Canta: A Concert to Celebrate the Movement for Immigrant Justice, Un concierto para celebrar el Movimiento para la Justicia al immigrante.

For the thirteenth year, Wellington UCC will co-sponsor El Pueblo Canta along with Centro Romero and the Chicago Religious Leadership Network in support of a community where all are welcome. El Pueblo Canta brings people together from across the city to celebrate our diversity, embolden the work for immigrant justice, and embrace the belief that who we are, is greater than any fear. All proceeds benefit the work of immigrant justice.

AFSC is honored to co-sponsor, and hopes you'll consider attending!