Civil Society Organizations Denounce DHS Border Externalization in Guatemala, Call for Immediate Investigation

October 22, 2020.- The undersigned civil society organizations denounce the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) border externalization operations in Guatemala as documented by a new Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC) Democratic Staff report, DHS Run Amok? A Reckless Overseas Operation, Violations and Lies. We call for an immediate, comprehensive investigation into this operation by the State Department and DHS inspectors general.

October 22, 2020.- The undersigned civil society organizations denounce the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) border externalization operations in Guatemala as documented by a new Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC) Democratic Staff report, DHS Run Amok? A Reckless Overseas Operation, Violations and Lies. We call for an immediate, comprehensive investigation into this operation by the State Department and DHS inspectors general.