Eyes Wide Open exhibit in Columbus, Ohio, 2006 Marq Anderson / AFSC
Last Saturday marked the 20th anniversary of the events of 9/11 and the subsequent forever wars, drone strikes, torture and attacks on civil liberties that dramatically escalated and have resulted in unimaginable suffering and violence across the globe. As we mark two decades of the "War on Terror" as we know it, we invite you to join us intaking time to reflect, learn, and build community this month so that we can recommit to building a world where this kind of violence is impossible.
And as we've watched the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan take place over the past few weeks, AFSC staff are working hard to support Afghans seeking safety and refuge. If you haven't yet, please sign onto this letter urging US policmakers to assist Afghans seeking safety, and donate to support former AFSC staff and volunteers in Afghanistan to whom we are providing direct assistance at this time, including evacuation-related expenses.
In this special issue of our monthly newsletter you'll hear about upcoming exhibits and workshops in Chicago, resources for teachers and educators to engage with their students around the 9/11 anniversary, and more. We hope you find these materials and offerings useful. Thanks, as always, for your support of our work.
Upcoming Events
Demilitarise: 20 Years of the War on Terror
This art exhibit featuring work by multiple artists, curated by Dissenters and JustSeeds, will be on display at PO Box Collective, 6900 N. Glenwood, Chicago 60626.
Friday, September 10 at 7PM
A quiet space for reflection and community as we move into anniversary of the Sept. 11th attacks and the War on Terror in 2001.
Sunday, September 12 3:30PM
3:30 - Doors Open
4:00 - Presentation by Dr. Maha Hilal, co-director of Justice for Muslims Collective in Washington DC, and author of the forthcoming "Innocent Until Proven Muslim," (pre-order here: bit.ly/InnocentUntilProvenMuslim)
5:00 - Screen printing of 'Fund Healthcare Not Warfare' T-shirts, bring your own shirt or make a small donation to support the PO Box Collective.
20 years of vintage anti-war t-shirt giveaway!! Refreshments!! Community! Ways to take action against war and empire!!!
Look for other community events to be added in the weeks ahead. Co-sponsored by Just Seeds, Justice for Muslims Collective, StopCVE Chicago, PO Box Collective.
Teaching the Legacy of 9/11
World events have a lasting impact on international and national policies, communities, and the daily lives of individuals. As we mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and War on Terror policies, please join us for an interactive training on how to use a new 50-minute adaptable 6-12th grade curriculum aligned to Common Core.
The curriculum team consists of Chicago Public School educators, scholars and organizers: Hafsa Siddiqui, August Hastings, Aliah Ajamoughli, and Mary Zerkel.
By the end of the lesson students will know:
- The “War on Terror” and subsequent rhetoric has led to increased fear and unconstitutional policies
- Mainstream news media outlets help construct/ perpetuate the narrative that Muslims are violent, backwards and oppressed
- Racialization and stereotyping of the Muslim identity has caused non-Muslim groups (like Sikhs, Arab Christians, etc.) to experience anti-Muslim racism as well.
View curriclum.
Blog Post
The Lasting Impact of US Decisions in the Aftermath of 9/11
This retrospective piece reflects on the immediate aftermath of the events of September 11th and how they set the stage for the escalation of violence and destruction by the United States military that we continue to reckon with today. Mary Zerkel of AFSC writes:
Within the first week after the attacks, the “Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists” (AUMF) was passed by the United States Congress, giving the President essentially a “blank check” to wage war without congressional debate. This policy paved the way for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and 20 years later, that authority has been interpreted broadly. The full list of actors the U.S. military is fighting—or believes itself authorized to fight—is classified. Under the AUMF the US military has deployed to Afghanistan, the Philippines, Georgia, Yemen, Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, Iraq, and Somalia.
Read more here.