The state, media, and some individuals have labeled Muslims as dangerous, un-American, or terrorists. In this exhibit, diverse Muslim communities that are targeted by surveillance and state violence challenge this narrative so the audience can find them as they truly are: full of love, creativity, and resistance.
SUBMISSIONS OPEN: August 15- September 21st -- SUBMIT HERE:
We are especially looking for poster art that can be used in movement building! BUT we are open to work of all types (prints, zines, photography, etc) for our October 2019 exhibit at the PO Box Collective in Chicago. Digital work submitted will be under consideration for a touring version of the show.
ARTISTS who are chosen to participate will receive a small honorarium of $50
Submissions might explore any or all of the following, but aren’t limited to:
- Resilience of Muslim, Arab, refugee and/or immigrant communities
- Your lived experience as a member of these targeted communities in the US at this moment in time
- Resistance to state violence*, and or anti-Muslim racism
- Futuristic paradigms, new projects, manifestos!
Members of the community are encouraged to apply but allies are also welcome to submit work of their experiences of state violence and the connections they see to the theme of the show.
If you are interested in doing a live performance (spoken word, storytelling, music, etc.) during the exhibition in Chicago, please email with your idea.
*State violence refers to a spectrum of coercive mechanisms of social control around the globe rooted in and justified by fear-based narratives and national security, including policing, incarceration, surveillance, immigrant detention and war.
About: American Friends Service Committee is part of The StopCVE Coalition-Chicago: a group of individuals and organizations that oppose the targeting, surveillance and criminalization of Muslim and Arab communities in the name of national security.