Berny is a first-generation Mexican American who recently graduated from South Dade Senior. In the spring, he will be the first person in his family to attend college.
Berny enjoys his time in nature and fishing with his friends. He is actively involved in his church youth group. He is a self-taught video editor with his own YouTube channel and helps his friends edit gaming videos.
Berny spends most of his time between friends and family. Berny is the oldest of his siblings and strives to be an inspiration for them. He is working towards becoming a firefighter.
Artist statement:
Glowing Hands (left)
“This painting represents how much we have been trying to protect ourselves during quarantine. The person is inside the hand sanitizer bottle is trying extremely hard to stay safe. The hands extending out to grab him is a representation of COVID and how it is lingering and hovering over us. “
Isolation (black) (middle)
“This represents how we are all in isolation. We are no longer able to see the world because we are indoors.”
Change (right)
“This represents to me the change of life. A person’s life during and after COVID. Before COVID we had life and now with so many people dying because of the pandemic, there is a tombstone that shows the transition of life into death.”