AFSC Florida Newsletter, October 2020

The American Friends Service Committee continues to support the local farmworker community in South Dade, Florida with monthly free food-drives. In September, AFSC Florida provided 250 boxes of food to a local migrant community housing complex. Food boxes were dropped off in front of doors to decrease one-on-one contact. 30 amazing volunteers donated their time and effort to make this past event a success! Food boxes included dry goods and local fresh healthy produce.

Temporary Protected Status
The fight continues to advocate for a path to a permanent solution for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients. On October 7, AFSC Florida alongside the Family Action Netowork Movement (FANM) and the Florida Immigrant Coalition (FLIC) held a press conference outside the Miami Freedom Tower. TPS recipients like Umaine (pictured at left) demanded that Congress act rapidly and provide permanent citizenship for TPS and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) holders. TPS status may end as early as March 2021.

Mutual aid + COVID-19 outreach
Since June, the AFSC has partnered with several community organizations and agencies such as the Florida Health Department to provide emergency mutual aid relief, access to COVID-19 testing, and to give away personal protective equipment. The AFSC has provided over 5,000 masks to the South Dade community. This month, 35 families were able to receive cash assistance from mutual aid funding. Each family received $500 Visa gift cards from our fund of $17,500 dollars total. These families have suffered through hardships due to the coronavirus and due to their immigration status were unable to qualify for state assistance programs. We continue to fundraise and need extensive support to give farmworkers mutual aid during the pandemic.

In October, the AFSC was able to knock on 300 doors in order to provide masks and information on free COVID-19 testing in a specific area of Homestead which was recorded to have high positivity rates of COVID-19. This testing would be administered by first responders who go visit homes, with results being provided in three days. This testing would not require a government issued identification card, which would ease barriers for undocumented folks to get tested.

Join us in exercising our right to vote, whether it be early or on Election Day this coming week. The AFSC recently published 3 ways you can help protect the integrity of our electionsa short guide for what to do if you are concerned about the future of elections.

Volunteer with us!
Registration for our November food drive will soon open! Please keep an eye on your inbox for a volunteer registration. This will be our biggest food drive yet in which we hope to feed 300 families during the weekend of November 20-22.

Youth Gallery
Our youth group has been working very hard and creatively through these uncertain times and have created a couple of artistic pieces which will be launched on our website soon. More information to come for how to celebrate their creative work!

As we continue to lease consider supporting our emergency reponse by donating to AFSC Florida today!

In peace,

Mariana Martinez
Program Associate, AFSC Florida