AFSC condemns court decision to strip status of TPS Holders, Calls on Congress to Act

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision to lift the preliminary injunction in the case of Ramos v. Nielsen. This ruling allows the Trump administration to expel Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients.

WASHINGTON, DC (September 14, 2020) Today, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision to lift the preliminary injunction in the case of Ramos v. Nielsen. This ruling allows the Trump administration to expel Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients. The terminations could go into effect as early as March 2021 for TPS holders from Sudan, Nicaragua, and Haiti, and November 2021 for TPS holders from El Salvador. TPS is a provision under which the government grants protection from deportation to people from certain countries afflicted by natural disasters, war, or other dangerous conditions. The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) – a Quaker organization that has been working with immigrants and refugees for more than 100 years – spoke out against the decision.

“This court decision is doubling down on the Trump Administration’s anti-immigrant policy agenda, leaving nearly 300,000 TPS holders vulnerable to family separation and mass deportation,” said Peniel Ibe, policy engagement coordinator for AFSC. “Without Congressional action this will lead to devastating moral and economic consequences not just for TPS holders but for their families, communities and for the entire country.”

Multiple lawsuits are challenging the administration’s termination of TPS for several countries. The suits seek to stop the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from implementing terminations. The suits also accuse the administration of ending TPS for certain countries based on racial discrimination and infringing on the constitutional rights of TPS beneficiaries.

“I am proud Black Haitian mother and TPS holder,” said Umaine, who works with AFSC in Miami and is a member of the National TPS Alliance. “Beyond the racism and the politics of Washington, I want Congress to look at our humanity and give us permanent residency! Us TPS holders have strong foundations in our communities.” Black and Brown immigrants are targeted by a xenophobic immigration enforcement system. Over 50,000 Black TPS holders are especially vulnerable because immigration enforcement works in tandem with racist and deadly policing.

AFSC and others across the country have been working hard to save TPS and create a pathway to citizenship for all – bringing TPS holders to Washington, DC to meet with elected officials, organizing call-in days, and holding local events. 

TPS holders and allies are calling on Congress to take action and support legislation like the Dream and Promise Act of 2019 (H.R. 6). “We need legislation that provides permanent residency and a pathway to citizenship for TPS holders and the millions of other immigrants in the U.S.,” said Eva Chaitman, Campaign Coordinator for AFSC’s Newark program. “We are demanding legislation that excludes harmful add-ons like increases in immigration enforcement and the militarization of border communities that further jeopardizes the lives of Black and Brown immigrants who are already subject to racialized policing by law enforcement.” 

The American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace and humanitarian service. Its work is based on the belief in the worth of every person and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice