Thank you to everyone who filled out our email survey in January. More than 1,400 people shared their thoughts and insights, which was an amazing response!
Your feedback is invaluable in helping us to learn, grow, and better support your commitment and activism for social change.
Here’s a summary of what we heard from the AFSC community:
96% of respondents feel they help make the world a better place by supporting AFSC. We were thrilled to learn that such a high percentage of the AFSC supporter base feels connected to AFSC’s mission.
AFSC’s work to help people meet their basic needs resonates strongly with AFSC supporters. AFSC programs use many tactics to build peace, including advocacy, material and humanitarian assistance, activism, and education. We were gratified to see AFSC supporters lift up the importance of meeting people’s basic needs during this difficult time. Our response to the COVID-19 crisis is just one of many humanitarian responses AFSC launched in the last year. AFSC programs are in this work for the long haul and will continue to respond to crises in the communities where we work with compassion and solidarity.
About 1 in 5 AFSC supporters identifies as Quaker. Quaker values are important to AFSC supporters, as they are to AFSC’s work. But how many AFSC supporters are Quaker themselves? This survey and past research show that about 20% of AFSC supporters self-identify as Quaker or as members of the Religious Society of Friends. The AFSC community is stronger because our supporters come from many faiths and walks of life, while others do not practice any particular faith tradition and yet share our values and commitment to peace with justice.
AFSC supporters want to get involved with the issues that matter. There are many ways to get involved in AFSC’s work and to support that work on the issues that matter. In this survey, the AFSC community showed its strong support on a variety of issues, as well as strong interest in action alerts and online advocacy opportunities.
Supporters like you make AFSC’s work possible, and we can’t thank you enough.
Have additional feedback or questions about this survey? Reach out to Beth Hallowell, AFSC research director.