Spirit-Led - Congregational - Transformative
Available to all Friends who wish to do Spirit-led, social justice work connected to the work of AFSC, Quaker Social Change Ministry is a transformative approach to social justice work that combines Spirit + Action to:
Re-enliven and re-imagine corporate witness
Follow the leadership of those who are most impacted by oppressive systems
Build relationships within the meeting and with local organizations
Bring "Mystics" and "Activists" together
Participate in a Spirit-led group process
Tell our stories and learn in a supportive environment
Join AFSC in working for restorative justice
Quaker Social Change Ministry is based on the work of Kelly Dignan, Kierstin Homblette, and Deborah Holder who created the Small Group Social Change Change Ministry model to support UU congregations interested in doing powerful social justice work at a local level. Quaker Social Change Ministry builds on their original model and adapts it to a Quaker audience.
Interested in learning more about the program?
We are no longer accepting interest forms for this pilot phase of the program. Please contact Greg Elliott at gelliott@afsc.org for more information.