Action organized by youth as part of the "Humanize Not Militarize" film festival in Washington, D.C. in 2016. Bryan Vana / AFSC
As concerns persist over the potential for war, we’ve heard from people seeking resources to stop the military from recruiting their children and other young people in their communities.
Here are five actions you can take to limit military recruitment in your school district:
1. Campaign for an ordinance for equal access in your school district.
Equal access mandates that for each military recruitment session done in the district’s schools, peace groups are allowed equal time and access to the students to offer alternatives to enlistment. See examples of other successful campaigns and how-to organizing guides.
Check out our counter recruitment resource page for more information.
2. Distribute opt-out forms at local high schools.
At the beginning of the school year, parents have the option to opt out of allowing their children to be contacted by military recruiters. You can download opt-out forms to distribute.
3. Join the NNOMY Network.
The National Network of Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is a project co-founded by AFSC that links together hundreds of activist groups and congregations and provides you access to lots of great resources, including handouts, videos, and updates.
4. Make a localized version of counter-recruitment resources for your community.
AFSC published a booklet called “It’s My Life: A Guide to Alternatives After High School” in 2009 that provides ideas and guidance for young people looking for career paths other than military service. Adapt this resource to a localized flier, booklet, or blog post with job training programs, mentorships, and other opportunities in your area.
5. Help students start a peace and justice club on campus or organize peacemaking events.
Students can invite speakers to their school to discuss nonviolence, write articles about counter recruitment for their school newspapers, start a petition drive to limit military recruiters on campus, distribute informational literature, or organize other educational events.
Questions? Contact youthmil@afsc.org.