Quaker Service Bulletin

Theme: Relief Work
Year: 1947
Content Type: Document


Editorial    Clarence Pickett    Introducing the bulletin and the AFSC
What about Poland?    Need continues but U.S. aid has stopped
Margaret M. Frawley    John Rich    Obituary for volunteer who served in France
Builders of peace    report on summer projects
Year-round work and study projects    4 work-study projects envisaged in 1947-8
The world needs clothes     Appeal for clothing to be sent to one of 8 warehouses
Impressions of Japan    Elizabeth Gray Vining    Picture of Japanese hardships
James M. Reed    Profile of new secretary of the Foreign Service Section
AFSC lecturers    4th year of sending distinguished black lecturers to sites
Radio series tells story of AFSC work    Six 15-minute radio dramatizations to be offered on 200+ stations
Untitled photo essay    Before and after pictures of house at Penn-Craft

(other subjects: newsletter)