This is a film about war and peace-here and now. It depends neither on newsreels of past wars nor fantasies of future ones. It is about a war which exists in the present tense, about bombs that are exploding in slow motion -in the turning of a million heads, in another million yawns at the 'headlines, in another million quiet nods to the mass production of mass destruction.
The picture is dark, but there is a crucial difference between darkness outside and darkness inside. If we can admit to the war within, we at least have a place to start. And if we are numb to the language of words, we can speak in "the language of faces." Beginnings are being made and this film shows one, not for the sake of strategy or propaganda, but for the sake of self-revelation. If the seeds of war exist in each man, so must the seeds of peace. The question is which we shall nurture.
(other subjects: Cold War, anti-nuclear)