For many people and communities of color, policing has brought terror, not safety. We must end our reliance on police to solve problems in our communities—and invest in community-based alternatives that keep everyone safe.
One simple thing we can do is to think twice before calling the police.
Right now, Congress is working on the 2023 Farm Bill. The bill affects the food and nutrition of every person in the U.S. It’s also a critical opportunity to reduce hunger and address climate change.
Urge congressional leaders to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable food system.
Our “Light in Gaza” anthology brings together the voices and perspectives of Palestinians from Gaza. There, more than 2 million people live under Israeli military blockade.
We encourage you to read their essays and poems. And join our monthly webinars to hear from contributors and learn how you can take action to end the blockade.
Friends liaisons are critical to AFSC’s work with Quakers to organize and advocate for peace with justice around the world. Become a liaison and receive regular updates and communications from AFSC to share with Friends in your community—and mobilize them to action.
Help AFSC partner with the Central European Gathering of Friends and the Ukraine Women’s Fund to support immediate humanitarian aid, books to help Ukrainians learn languages of their new host countries, and alternative to violence trainings for refugees. This is just one example of where AFSC supports refugees and displaced people, like we do in the U.S., Somalia, Zimbabwe, Jordan, Palestine, Guatemala, and Mexico.
Support our worldwide efforts!