Millennia Resistance Campaign
Join Millennia tenants and allies to hold bad landlords accountable—and ensure safe, affordable housing for all.

Everyone deserves to live in safe, healthy homes. But in many places across the United States, landlords are getting federal subsidies to rent to low-income people—even for conditions that are unsafe or unsanitary.
Millennia Housing Management is one such landlord. Millennia is one of the largest affordable housing providers in the country. But it has failed to rectify horrific living conditions in many of its complexes.
Our Millennia Resistance Campaign is working to expose Millennia's bad behavior. We're urging the federal government to hold Millennia and all bad landlords accountable. Learn more about how you can join our efforts.
Our Demands
On Aug. 2, 2022, the Millennia Resistance Campaign sent a list of demands to HUD. Read the full letter.
We urge HUD to:
- Call for a national investigation into Millennia properties and other problem owners that have failed to maintain HUD housing.
- Increase and improve oversight and enforcement of HUD condition standards to ensure it is providing decent, safe, and sanitary housing to families.
- Reimburse tenants for being forced to use their own limited resources to maintain their units; pay for injuries and medical care; and pay for hotel stays and moving expenses.
- Provide safe, affordable housing choices to residents.
- Honor the demands of local tenant associations.
- Include tenants and tenant associations in decision-making about the future of their housing.
- Protect HUD tenants’ right to organize.
- Meaningfully fund resident organizing activities.
Related documents:

Sign Our Petition
Tell the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: Demand accountability and change from Millennia and all bad landlords. Add your name today!
Learn More
Watch Previous Webinars
"Holding Bad Landlords Accountable" (March 2023): AFSC's Foluke Nunn, campaign partners, and Millennia tenants talk about progress in the campaign. We look at how tenants—no matter who their landlord is—can come together to defend their right to safe and sanitary housing.
"On the Issues: The Millennia Resistance Campaign" (March 2022): In this webinar, we discuss how Millennia tenants at the Forest Cove complex in Atlanta have organized, with support from AFSC.