Be Bold Bernie
Join us in sending a handwritten letter to Bernie today! Ask him to be a bold advocate for Palestinian rights in Congress.

Image: AFSC
Senator Bernie Sanders has been an advocate for human rights, including for Palestinians who live under Israeli military occupation and apartheid. His constituents appreciate his willingness to take bold stances. But the situation on the ground in Israel and Palestine has never been so dire. We need Senator Sanders to do more. We need Bernie to take bold action.
That's why AFSC is teaming up with organizers in Vermont to ask Senator Sanders to go and visit communities impacted by apartheid. Meet with Palestinian families whose homes are demolished or burned by the Israeli army and settler attacks, children who are detained in Israeli prisons, and families who cannot access health care due to checkpoints and the blockade. Sit with Shadi Khoury, a child under house arrest in Jerusalem. Go to Gaza. Then come back from this witness and share it with the American public and with his colleagues in the Senate.
Join us 9/10 @4pm ET for our Be Bold Bernie Letter Writing Party.
For Vermont Residents
If you live in Vermont, here are three steps you can take today:
1. Write a handwritten letter in your own words, urging Sen. Sanders to go and bear witness to Israeli apartheid and return to be a bold advocate for Palestinian rights. Our goal is for 200 residents of Vermont to write a letter. Please send it as soon as possible to:
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, 332 Dirksen Building, Washington, DC 20510
2. Post about your handwritten message on social media with #BeBoldBernie. Tag Bernie at @SenSanders
3. Connect with us and with other Vermonters. Share your interest in participating, let us know you sent a letter, and learn about additional opportunities to take action by filling out the form below.
By providing your contact info, you may receive follow-up communications from AFSC and from organizers in Vermont.
Don't Live in Vermont?
Many of us are not constituents of Bernie Sanders. But we may have friends and family who live there or attend colleges in Vermont. Share this initiative with them! For more information contact Vermont organizers at