Vanessa Julye works to increase awareness of racism in Quaker and other religious communities. She has a calling to ministry with a concern for helping the Religious Society of Friends become a whole blessed community. She travels throughout the country and abroad speaking on this topic and leading workshops about racism focusing on its eradication and the healing of racism’s wounds. Vanessa and Donna McDaniel are the authors of Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship: Quakers, African Americans and the Myth of Racial Justice. Vanessa is Friends General Conference’s Coordinator for the Committee for Nurturing Ministries focusing on the Racism and Youth Ministries Programs, as well as, a member of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting. Barry Scott is a scientist and worker health and safety advocate. He is seeking to live into a blessed community in the Religious Society of Friends and works to that end in his Quaker meeting. He also enjoys finding spirit at the movies and has shared that in workshops he’s led at Friends General Conference Gathering and in his Meeting. He has been a member of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting since 1994. Barry and Vanessa have been married for nearly fourteen years.