Claire Cohen

Claire Cohen

Claire Cohen has attended Quaker Meetings off and on since 1973. She started attending Pittsburgh Monthly Meeting in 1984 when she moved to Pittsburgh, PA. She has been a member of the Society of Friends for over 15 years. Claire is also a member of the Pennsylvania American Friends Service Committee. One of the main focuses of the Pennsylvania AFSC has been on undoing institutional racism. To that end, it has been sponsoring a local youth group for teens called Youth Undoing Institutional Racism (YUIR). Claire is also the representative to the Annual AFSC Corporate Meeting for Lake Erie Yearly Meeting and a member of the People of Color Caucus of Friends General Conference. In addition to her Quaker activities, she is currently a member of the Western Pennsylvania Black Political Assembly, was a member of local black activist group that held educational events for MLK Day and to Commemorate Malcolm X Day every year, and has been involved in a number other local African-American grassroots groups in the Pittsburgh area over the last 30 years. Claire is also a practicing child psychiatrist, one of only a few hundred in the whole United States.