On Attica
- Ghosts of Attica (Icarus Films)
- The Attica Prison Riot in 1971 Serves as a Reminder of the Dangers of a Failing Prison System (Teen Vogue)
- Attica Prison Uprising 101 (Project NIA)
On Prison Abolition
- Penal abolition and restorative justice (Canadian Friends Service Committee)
- What is the prison industrial complex? What is abolition? (Critical Resistance)
- Breaking Down the Prison Industrial Complex, including many videos re: prisons, policing, and alternative visions (Critical Resistance)
On Police Abolition
- On the Road with Abolition: Assessing Our Steps Along the Way (webinar hosted by Haymarket Books, moderated by Mariame Kaba)
- Reformist Reforms vs. Abolitionist Steps in Policing (Critical Resistance)
- Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police, by Mariame Kaba (The New York Times)
- The “abolish police” movement, explained by seven scholars and activists (Vox)
- Defund Police toolkit (Interrupting Criminalization and the Movement for Black Lives)
On ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)/CBP (Customs and Border Protection) Abolition
- How “abolish ICE” helped bring abolitionist ideas into the mainstream (Vox)
- It’s Time to Abolish ICE (The Nation)
On Transformative/Restorative/Healing Justice
- Penal abolition and restorative justice (Canadian Friends Service Committee)
- Barnard Center for Research on Women
- What are obstacles to accountability?
- Beyond Survival: Strategies and Stories from the Transformative Justice Movement, edited by Ejeris Dixon, Leah Lakshmi, Piepzna-Samarasinha
- Fumbling towards repair: A workbook for community accountability facilitators by Mariame Kaba and Shira Hassan
- Turn this world inside out: The emergence of nurturance culture by Nora Samaran