Quaker Action for a Just World
Our April 2022 virtual gathering featured a panel of Quaker climate activists, workshops on key peace and justice issues, and a keynote speech from Winona LaDuke as a part of AFSC’s annual corporation meeting. View these presentations and more below.
Keynote Speaker: Winona LaDuke
Native American land rights activist, environmentalist, economist, politician, and author Winona LaDuke delivers the keynote session of this year’s AFSC Corporation Meeting. As the Executive Director of Honor the Earth, she works nationally and internationally on the issues of climate change, renewable energy, and environmental justice with Indigenous communities.
Guided by the light of our North Star, above and within
AFSC’s Healing Justice Network invites you to learn about the healing-focused vision of our North Star. Led by Lewis Webb, Jr. and Mary Zerkel, the workshop explores restorative justice, police and prison abolition, and an end to the carceral system. Join us as we journey to a just, peaceful, and sustainable world free of violence, inequality, and oppression. Our 90-minutes together includes reflection, interactive engagement, and strategies to take back to local meetings and communities.
Palestine program highlights
The youth who work with AFSC in Palestine face many challenges because of occupation and Israeli Apartheid policies. Over the last year the occupation has become more entrenched. Home demolitions and forced displacement events have increased. Gaza was attacked and remains under blockade. Life for many has become harder. During this session AFSC’s staff from Palestine highlight some issues they are facing on the ground. Their discussion is complemented by a presentation by U.S. based advocacy staff about how you can take action to end abuses and bring change.
Facilitators: Dawood Hammoudi, Palestine Program Director, and Mike Merryman-Lotze, Middle East Program Director
Extractives and forced displacement: A case study of Laguna Larga
Between the borders of Mexico and Guatemala is a place called Laguna Larga. Its current residents are forcibly displaced due to greed, violence, and environmental injustice. In this workshop, we use this community’s example to learn about the harm caused by intersections of environmental devastation, criminalization of environmental activism, and unfettered capitalism. Join AFSC staff for a presentation and discussion about these interlocking issues.
Facilitators: David Tobasura, Human Migration & Mobility Consultant, Paulina Montes de Oca, National Program Coordinator Mexico, and Javier Reyes Munoz, National Program Coordinator Guatemala
Additional resources:
- Análisis del caso Laguna Larga desde el enfoque de conflictividad ambiental (español)
- Situación humanitaria de la comunidad Laguna Larga tras cuatro años de desplazamiento (video con subtitulos en inglés)
- Análisis sobre los efectos del modelo hegemónico de mitigación del cambio climático en la selva Maya de Guatemala
- Reporte de webinar sobre los efectos del modelo de conservación hegemónico en diferentes países del sur global
Restricted space in climate justice activism
The rights and freedoms of those addressing climate change are shrinking. The challenges and risks facing those supporting and advancing climate justice are linked to the gap between civil society organizations and government policies on climate. This workshop presents an analysis and suggests actions to support climate justice activists as they face a limited space.
Emerging Leaders for Liberation: Demo workshop including how to get involved
Watch our "Community Organizer 101" workshop where we discuss community organizer basics: What is an organizer? What does an organizer do? How do you gain community engagement? This session is from our Emerging Leaders for Liberation program curriculum where young adults are learning social change skills to implement in their communities.
Facilitator: Mariana Martinez, Youth Leadership Institute Director
Panel: Quaker climate activists - Intersections of climate justice and Quakerism
Climate change has increased food insecurity, fueled conflict over scarce resources, and forced people to leave their homes and communities. Quakers continue to recognize the moral responsibility of all to act now to address the ongoing threat of climate change to our world today. Join AFSC 's Peniel Ibe as she moderates a conversation with a panel of Quaker activists inspired by their faith to push for solutions that embody a justice lens.
Panelists: Liana Irvine, FCNL PA Advocacy Corps Organizer; Pamela Boyce Simms, Buddhist-Quaker Facilitating Evolutionary Culture-design; Clarence Edwards, FCNL Legislative Director for Sustainable Energy & Environment; Shelley Tanenbaum, Quaker Earthcare Witness.
Additional resources:
- General information about QEW (Quaker Earthcare Witness)
- The FCNL Sustainable Energy & Environment Program has a web based “Call to Conscience on the Climate Crisis” twice a month where we share the latest information and engage the Quaker community.
- Singularity Botanicals website
- African Diaspora Coalition Facebook page
- Buddhist-Quaker website
- Singularity Botanicals YouTube video site
- Article on Sociocracy/Dynamic Governance
Keynote Speaker: Winona LaDuke
Native American land rights activist, environmentalist, economist, politician, and author Winona LaDuke delivers the keynote session of this year’s AFSC Corporation Meeting. As the Executive Director of Honor the Earth, she works nationally and internationally on the issues of climate change, renewable energy, and environmental justice with Indigenous communities.
Guided by the light of our North Star, above and within
AFSC’s Healing Justice Network invites you to learn about the healing-focused vision of our North Star. Led by Lewis Webb, Jr. and Mary Zerkel, the workshop explores restorative justice, police and prison abolition, and an end to the carceral system. Join us as we journey to a just, peaceful, and sustainable world free of violence, inequality, and oppression. Our 90-minutes together includes reflection, interactive engagement, and strategies to take back to local meetings and communities.
Palestine Program Highlights (Corporation 2022)
Extractives and forced displacement: A case study of Laguna Larga
Between the borders of Mexico and Guatemala is a place called Laguna Larga. Its current residents are forcibly displaced due to greed, violence, and environmental injustice. In this workshop, we use this community’s example to learn about the harm caused by intersections of environmental devastation, criminalization of environmental activism, and unfettered capitalism. Join AFSC staff for a presentation and discussion about these interlocking issues.
Restricted space in climate justice activism
The rights and freedoms of those addressing climate change are shrinking. The challenges and risks facing those supporting and advancing climate justice are linked to the gap between civil society organizations and government policies on climate. This workshop presents an analysis and suggests actions to support climate justice activists as they face a limited space.
Emerging Leaders for Liberation: Demo workshop including how to get involved
Watch our "Community Organizer 101" workshop where we discuss community organizer basics: What is an organizer? What does an organizer do? How do you gain community engagement? This session is from our Emerging Leaders for Liberation program curriculum where young adults are learning social change skills to implement in their communities.
Panel: Quaker climate activists - Intersections of climate justice and Quakerism
Climate change has increased food insecurity, fueled conflict over scarce resources, and forced people to leave their homes and communities. Quakers continue to recognize the moral responsibility of all to act now to address the ongoing threat of climate change to our world today. Join AFSC 's Peniel Ibe as she moderates a conversation with a panel of Quaker activists inspired by their faith to push for solutions that embody a justice lens.
Colin Saxton: Opening worship, business session
Friday afternoon programmed Worship Speaker at 1:30 p.m. ET: Colin Saxton, Director of North American Ministries for Friends United Meeting, coming to us through Zoom.
Dr. Miriam Were: Open worship
Saturday’s business session begins with worship at 11:30 a.m. ET. Soon after we welcome and honor Dr. Miriam Were, the AFSC/QPSW 2022 Nobel Peace Prize nominee, who delivers a brief message in this video.