Climate Justice in the Arab Region: Where Do We Stand?

Are you a working professional or student from Lebanon, Jordan, or Palestine with previous experience working on climate change, environmental, or climate justice issues? Are you interested in broadening your understanding of climate justice principles, historical contexts, and current movements in the Levant region? The RACI Hub Climate Justice Consortium presents an opportunity to a limited number of participants to engage in a 6-part webinar series. If you are interested in expanding your knowledge of climate justice, actively participating in meaningful discussions with like-minded individuals across the region, and discovering ways to integrate a climate justice approach into your work, please apply!

Sessions will be held fully online and be conducted in Arabic 

التطبيق العربي

Fall dates are still being determined. Sessions will be held on a weekly basis.

Session 1  - A History of Global Climate Injustices: Its implications on the Global South and the Arab region

Session 2 - Climate Action: Between meaningful agreements and false solutions

Session 3 - Climate Movements of the Arab Region: Exploring developments, achievements, and weaknesses

Session 4 - A Justice-Based Approach to Climate Work: How to integrate climate justice principles in humanitarian and development programs

Session 5 - Climate Change and Migration in the Levant: Climate change as a driver of migration and increasing vulnerabilities

Session 6  - Youth Empowerment: How to engage youth in climate justice movements


Certificates: Participants are required to attend and actively participate in a minimum of 5 out of 6 sessions. Following successful completion participants will be awarded a certificate.

Application Deadline: July 31st, 2024

Eligibility: Spots are limited, and participants will be selected based on the following criteria.

i. Location: Participants must be based in Jordan, Palestine, or Lebanon, and able to participate in Arabic.

ii. Experience: Past academic or professional experience working on or studying climate justice, climate change, or environmental issues.

iii. Interest: Demonstrated interest in the offered series, and a justification as to how the webinar series will advance their work or future career.

iv. Commitment: Demonstrate willingness to be fully engaged, actively contribute to discussions, and attend a minimum of 5 out of 6 sessions.