Kenneth Oye

Kenneth Oye

(he/him) (he/him)

Member, Quaker United Nations Committee; Member, International Programs Group

Member of Wellesley Monthly Meeting, New England Yearly Meeting. Kenneth Oye has longstanding ties to AFSC. He served as a member of the AFSC International Programs Executive Committee, with service on Asia, Middle East and Shared Security subcommittees. His father, George M. Oye, was Director of the Material Aids Program and a member of the Board. His daughter, Mari Michener Oye, recently served as Myanmar Country Director and East Asia QIAR. Ken is an active Quaker and Asian American with a commitment to peace and human rights issues. He is a member of the independent Quaker Worship Group of Boston. Ken is a Professor of Political Science and Data, Systems and Society at MIT, with research and teaching on international relations and technology policy. His books include Cooperation under Anarchy, Economic Discrimination and Political Exchange and four symposia on American foreign policy. His recent articles on biotechnology and health policy have appeared in Science, Nature and Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. He has served as an invited expert with the United Nations (UNIDO, BWC, WHO) and the US government (PCAST, Treasury, Commerce, EXIM, NIH). He holds a BA in Political Science and Economics from Swarthmore College and a PhD in Government from Harvard University.